what's with people and their poor grammar and sentence structure?!?! i find it sooooo hard to even understand what they're trying to say!!! O.o
which makes me really thank Singapore's education system. although it's so stressful and you dun understand why you have to keep studying English for like 12years without fail, it seems like doing compos and compres have certainly paid off. at least i know my grammar(though not perfect) and i can write an essay without a problem.
which makes me really tink about what Dawson said. he said that even aussie's have bad english. considering that english iz the 1st language of the locals, it really makes me wonder how in the world izzit possible for them not to get it right?! talia's said they dun really study english here. at least there isnt much of an emphasis on it. knowing how to write an essay like intro, body, conclusion and full stop. it's such a pity.
speaking english and writing english are definitely different one from each other. noone corrects you if you get your grammar wrong when you're engaged in a conversation. but it juz bothers me when i'm reading REALLY bad sentence structures.
and after the past few assignments, it made me realize that i'm a very long-winded person. cant stop exceeding the word limit for my assignments. argh.
*throbs @21:32 <3
There .
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